Dr. Hamilton on KXAN's Studio 512
During this guest appearance on Austin’s KXAN Studio 510, Dr. Hamilton discusses how vein disease is commonly misdiagnosed and misunderstood. He also covers signs and symptoms of vein disease to look for and to “feel for” — because often vein disease is felt (feelings of achiness, tiredness, pain, restlessness) rather than seen (bulging veins, flaky skin, discolored skin). When left untreated and misdiagnosed, vein disease can lead to more serious concerns due to the progressive nature of the disease. Additionally, some of these symptoms could be signs of serious issues, such as blood clots. As vein disease is a medical condition, today’s minimally invasive treatments are covered by most insurance and Medicare. You can schedule a consultation by calling 512-551-1403 or visit Hamilton Vein Center online or at one of our varicose vein centers in Round Rock or South Austin.