Eat This, Drink That for Healthier, Stronger Veins
Might as well say this up front: if you have vein disease, you have vein disease. Only a minimally invasive vein treatment can put an end to that for you. However, we each have a circulatory system that is around 60,000 miles long — so we need to take care of it, no matter what!
Managing your veins or minor varicose / spider veins doesn’t have to be hard. All it takes is awareness and a little willpower to implement some beneficial things, like exercise, an herbal supplement regime, compression therapy, and some vein-friendly food and drink to improve how your legs feel and work on the inside.
Veins in Need.
Our veins work tirelessly to carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart. And unlike their thicker, larger, more muscular circulatory relatives — the arteries — veins are incredibly thin and very stretchy. When they become too stretchy, they can’t perform their blood-returning responsibilities well and the vein’s valves can’t close properly, so blood starts flowing backwards — and that’s when the first signs of vein disease — the “ness” feelings start.
The “Ness” feelings of vein disease:
- tiredness
- heaviness
- achiness
- restlessness
- itchiness
HOWEVER, you can ward off vein disease or slow its progression and ease those irritating “-ness” feelings by doing two things you probably have do on a regular basis already — eating and drinking.
Certain foods and beverages have been deemed vein-friendly based on key ingredients proven to improve circulation and strengthen vein walls. So now that you are feeling slightly more in control of your vein destiny, let’s take a look at the foods and drinks that show your legs the greatest love.
Feed the need.
It goes without saying that eating a healthy diet on a regular basis keeps you, well, regular and motoring along with less bumps and grinding halts. And for those who are predisposed to varicose veins or already have them, tweaking that diet with foods rich in bioflavonoids are especially beneficial to improving overall vein health.
Bioflavonoids, also known as the James Bond-like – Vitamin P, not only provide the pigment that put the color in flowers and fruits but also help reduce varicose veins because of their abundant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities – which have been shown to diminish swelling and strengthen the collagen (connective tissue) within vein walls. This stabilizing effect on veins positively affects flow because a stronger wall makes for a better passageway.
To go even deeper, oxerutins – which are bioflavonoids derived from rutin – may help relieve the pain and swelling that accompany more severe varicose vein cases. When partnered with quality doses of vitamin C – another terrific antioxidant and cell protector – bioflavonoids get an even bigger boost. That’s why vitamin C-carrying and oxerutin-rich citrus fruits are at the top of the vein health food leader board.
The following is a grocery list of veggies, fruits and other nutrients for varicose vein sufferers who wish to become better varicose vein managers:
Citrus Fruits – rich in oxerutins – including diosmin and hesperidin – and vitamin C. Get zesty with oranges, lemons, grapefruit, limes – the peel is loaded with rutins
Cherries, Black Currants & Grapes – these non-berries do just as good a job as their berry counterparts. The darker the better the antioxidants!
Berries – contain tannins, which protect against blood vessel leakage and free radicals. Pick strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, basically anything ending in -berry for a greater tannin punch
Tropical Fruits – think mangoes and papayas –both are rich in bioflavonoids
Onions – another great antioxidant chockfull of vitamin B6, zinc, potassium, protein, folic acid, fiber, calcium, selenium and vitamin CRed Bell Peppers – contain 3x more vitamin C than orange juice – and like most veggies, best raw
Buckwheat – rutin-rich to improve poor venous tone. Dried leaves can be steeped in hot water to make a tea; also found in soba noodles, breads, kasha or pancakes
Broccoli – loaded with vitamin C. Most beneficial when eaten raw
Spinach – leaves other veggies green with envy for its upper-class antioxidant status
Brussels Sprouts – a cabbage-y way to reach your daily antioxidant and vitamin C quota
Garlic – anti-inflammatory extraordinaire
Cayenne – red hot chili pepper with serious cell protection kapow
Fiber-rich foods — whole wheat breads, oatmeal, brown rice. Prevents constipation that can lead to varicose vein formation.
Liquid Strength.
From wine to teas to smoothies, there are plenty of tasty ways to boost your vein health. Save some money and invest in a juicer or blender for your own smoothie factory at home.
Add these liquid vein supporters to your grocery list:
Green tea– on its own or mixed with juiced berries or cherries for a green tea with a juicy twist.
Teas – a nice cuppa is always the more proactive antioxidant drink to have versus a soda or coffee. Available in a world of flavors.
Smoothies & Juices – bring on the berries!Red Wine – tannins galore!
Water – the greatest drink on earth for the good of the bod. Flushes all the nasty stuff out, locks the good stuff in. Helps ward off constipation.
Being “Vein Aware” helps you make smarter choices for better vein health.
So print this post out and keep this list of vein healthy foods and drinks handy for quick reference so you can make smart choices at the grocery store or while dining out. Your veins will thank you!
Eating and drinking your way to healthier veins is just one way to take control of your vein situation. Dr. Hamilton and the team of vein specialists at Hamilton Vein Center are always happy to discuss how to better manage your veins through conservative treatments and ultimately ridding you of their unpleasantness with a virtually pain-free procedure like VNUS Closure. Call 281-565-0033 to schedule your vein consultation and screening today!