What is Venous Hypertension?
When most of us hear “high blood pressure” we think of heart-related conditions and increased risk of heart attack and stroke. But there’s another kind of high blood pressure we want to put on your radars — venous hypertension.
Venous hypertension, quite simply, is high pressure in the veins. Usually caused by chronic venous reflux — a condition where blood flows backward due to a breakdown in the elasticity and strength of the vein walls, chronic venous hypertension can cause the vein to leak fluid and blood cells into surrounding tissue and other smaller branch veins nearby. Once this happens, skin becomes weakened and begins to deteriorate, becoming thinner, discolored and itchy.
The caveat here is what appears to be a dermatological condition could actually be caused by an underlying vein problem. But, as vein disease is a commonly misdiagnosed medical condition, the symptoms of vein disease are often missed because “bad” veins are not considered as a possible source of the problem. So people head to their dermatologists or GPs and are prescribed topical creams and wraps.
So there’s the first misdiagnosis and miss. Then there’s the second trip. The symptoms continue. And worsen.
Don’t let the venous hypertension snowball hit you.
Be on the look out for these tell-tale signs of chronic venous reflux and hypertension:
Discoloration of ankles and feet
leg swelling
Discoloration and thinning of skin in calf / ankle area
Cracking, itchy skin
Hardening, weeping, open wound
Today’s vein treatments stop the progression in its tracks.
If you’re noticing your legs are feeling tired, heavy, painful or are cramping, swelling or restless, a simple ultrasound of your leg veins at Hamilton Vein Center will tell if you’re suffering with vein disease or not. If you are, our board-certified interventional radiologists will devise your personalized vein treatment plan, which may include one or more of today’s most advanced, minimally invasive vein treatments. Treatment at any stage of progression ends vein pain, discomfort and embarrassment and most treatments are covered by insurance and Medicare. So why wait?
Schedule your vein consultation and screening at a Hamilton Vein Center near you today, please call 281-565-0033. Get relief now. We can help.