What Restless Legs Feel Like
Crawling spiders, creeping, jumpy and electrical shock are just a few of the unsavory feelings millions of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) sufferers experience on a regular basis.
The cause(s) of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is an ongoing study with plenty of theories but no pinpointed reason, but it is interesting to note that a whopping 91% of RLS sufferers also suffer from underlying vein disease. Of course vein disease isn’t considered – most of the time — by doctors when a patient presents RLS symptoms. As vein specialists we know that undetected vein disease is behind the exacerbation or is the cause of many conditions – from RLS to leg ulcers and edema.
The bright spot in all this is that 89% of sufferers with detected vein disease who undergo a minimally invasive vein treatment note significant reduction or complete relief from symptoms afterwards!
We came across a recent article on Prevention.com (What Restless Legs Syndrome Feels Like) that describes the various feelings RLS sufferers experience. Take a look and if you are suffering with any symptoms of Restless Legs Syndrome, make an appointment to come in for a comprehensive vein consultation and ultrasound today. If vein disease is detected, relief is in your future!
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